ear cleaning gold coast

I’m currently working on growing our team at Total Ear Hygiene, and let me tell you, it’s been… interesting. Finding the right people to join us is no small task, and the process has been full of surprises—some good, some not-so-good. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at what I’ve been dealing with and what really makes an application stand out.

A resume is often the first glimpse I get of a candidate’s professionalism and attention to detail. Sadly, a lot of resumes I’ve seen have been littered with basic errors. Names of hospitals written in lowercase letters, inconsistent naming of past employers (e.g., one line reads “generic Health place” and the next line “Generichealthplace”), and even spelling errors in their own names—it’s enough to make me pause and wonder: did they even proofread this? Did anyone else take a look at it before they sent it in?

One memorable example was an applicant who claimed to be a clinical nurse, which is a role requiring specialized expertise in a particular field. However, they didn’t specify what field they specialized in. Without more context, I’m left scratching my head. How am I to know what skills they are bringing to the table?

Something that is really important to me is that I practice with integrity. When I find personal statements filled with generic buzzwords like, “I am passionate about providing patient-centered care with a holistic approach to achieve outstanding health-care goals”, I can’t help rolling my eyes. Does anyone actually talk like that? These phrases read like they’ve been copied from a resume template rather than written by the person applying. They don’t tell me anything meaningful about the individual.

On the flip side, the applications that really caught my eye were those written with authenticity and a bit of personality. For example, one applicant shared that they were looking for part-time work to supplement their income while continuing their studies. Another mentioned wanting to move away from hospital shift work because they preferred daylight hours. These honest, straightforward statements gave me a glimpse into their lives and goals, and I appreciated their candor. Those are the candidates who make it to the next stage.

If you’re thinking of applying to join me (or any other team), here are a few tips to help you stand out—in a good way:

  1. Proofread Your Resume – Double-check for spelling and grammatical errors, and ask someone else to review it for you.
  2. Be Specific – If you’re claiming expertise, back it up with details. For instance, if you’re a clinical nurse, let me know your area of specialization.
  3. Avoid Buzzword Overload – Write in your own voice. I want to get a sense of who you are, not just read a list of clichéd phrases.
  4. Show Authenticity – Share a little about your goals or why you’re interested in the role. Genuine honesty goes a long way.

At Total Ear Hygiene in Brisbane, I’m excited about building a team that’s professional, detail-oriented, and authentic. A team that caters to customers looking for ear wax cleaning solutions in Brisbane, Queensland. If that sounds like you, I’d love to hear from you—just don’t forget to capitalize your own name, at the very least.